Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Act 1, Scenes 1-3:

What do you think would be the hardest part of life in the Secret Annex: the fear of discovery, the need to keep silent for hours at a time, the sharing of cramped quarters with strangers, or some other aspect? Explain.
For me all of these would be unbearable. I could not imagine me being silent for hours at a time unless I were asleep, or sharing a small room with so many strangers and people. Everyone needs a bit of privacy and I could not live like that. However, over all these I guess the fear of the discovery would be the worst. I have never been in a situation like this, but I would think that since if you were discovered you would die. That would be worse than any of these. Anytime the Franks and Van Pels could be caught by the Green Police. I had also thought that since the fear of discovery isn't something you feel continuously for hours so I considered being silent for hours at a time would bet the worst. However, when you feel the fear of being discovered, the feeling is worse than how you would feel when you're silent for hours even if it were for only a moment.

Life may be unbearable, but try to keep your head up at all times.

1 comment:

hansolJ said...

I also agree with you that all of the things are hard to do. How do you read a book for like 7 hours straight and finish it like Anne did..;;;; I agree with you that the fear of being discovered is the hardest and scariest but also relationships between the families is hard too. I don’t think being silent is hard so I disagree on that part. HAHAHAHAHA sorry. I like your theme and how you put it at the end of each post but every time, there is something added to it.